The view from Joshua Belk, former FBI CSO

Joshua Belk is the co-founder of the security startup Opsec360. Previously, he was the cybersecurity manager at the electric utility PG&E and the CSO for the FBI back at the beginning of this decade.

His earliest memory of a security issue was with managing people: “I have found that no matter how comprehensive our policies may be, if you don’t have the right culture among your workforce they won’t matter. Education, understanding, and inclusion are the ways to build the right security environment.”

He is drawn to tools that provide useful analytics. “With TB of data available to your team, trying to find the needle in the haystack can be a challenge. Each tool has its place in your security architecture so picking one is difficult, but those which are capable of providing me good information for analysis are the ones I prefer. That said, knowing your use cases and setting up your tools is probably the biggest impact to any security organization.”

His best advice for dealing with insider threats is to first, start with the basics. “Many companies have not taken adequate measures to protect their information or environments. At the lowest level, access provisioning, data classification, and updated antivirus and firewalls are all mandatory but when new systems or services get introduced into your environment the effects are often not well known. Protect against the drift.”

He sees MDM as a careful balance between protecting the employee and preventing unauthorized access. “At the core of the issue, no one wants their data put at risk and most users and organizations are willing to conform to a good policy in order to protect themselves.”


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Subscribe to Inside Security! Tracking the Digital Transition in the White House

As President Donald Trump arrives at the White House to start his term, he faces a very different collection of technology than when former President Barack Obama entered eight years ago. Back then, government PCs sported floppy drives and no president ever personally used Twitter or other form of social media. But the task of making the digital transition isn’t easy, and I describe some of the electronic methods that are being used to preserve the Obama legacy. You can read my post on IBM’s blog here.


This week we cover a grab bag of stories dealing with B2B marketing, some good and some bad. We look a why failed to deliver revenue, blaming this failure on its advertising model. The story ran in Bloomberg after the company had a significant recent layoff. Washington Post homepage editor Doris Truong was caught up in her own private PizzaGate fake news saga when trolls on the Internet spread a terrible case of mistaken identity about her, pictured here. Then we discuss understanding the kind of PR program you’re really looking for and how you need to set your expectations accordingly. The article mention five kinds of potential startup PR programs that are typical.

Finally, we cover this interesting story about building a brand, the Chinese way. Networking and communications giant Huawei (annual revenue of US$60 billion and the #3 smartphone vendor) paid a few dozen influencers to attend their September trade show in Shanghai and promote to their social media connections.

You can listen to the 21 minute podcast now.

The legacy of the insecure IoT: HP’s JetDirect

If you are looking to trace the origins of an insecure IoT, you might want to take a walk down memory lane back to October 1991. Back then HP developed the first network printer server called JetDirect. This took the form of an internal circuit card shown here that came in both Token Ring (remember those?) and Ethernet versions that fit inside the early monochrome laser printers. I believe those early printers cost around $2400, so there was some cost motivation to share them around the LAN. HP had been selling the first desktop laser printers for several years and this was the first time that any of them could be easily connected to a network. During the 1990s there were several versions of JetDirect cards created, including external print servers that could connect to any printer that had a parallel port. It wasn’t long before they were commonly used, not just for printing but numerous other hacking activities.

Why is this the origin story of the insecure IoT? Check out this post on SecurityFocus from May 2003. Way before ransomware was common, the post describes a major vulnerability in the JetDirect web-based admin utility. Some network admins knew when they first got these devices that they could be configured via two different protocols: web and telnet. The post shows that the telnet interface didn’t have any default password, and if you had to reset the device, you would return to this default setting. Thus began the insecure IoT. At the time, there was a lot of discussion about printer insecurity, not just about HP but any network-connected printer: check out this SANS white paper from 2003.

When we look at this material with a modern eye, some of the hacks mentioned here seem, well quaint. But some are significant, such as having a hacker hosting malicious webpages and scripts on your printer, as mentioned in this recent article here. One of the attractions for using network printers is that usually no one looks carefully at their operations, either through activity logs or intrusion systems. Another advantage is that they are always on and if they have issues get rebooted quickly so they can continue to serve print jobs.

Now we have millions of network-connected devices of all shapes and sizes, but still have sub-par programming where passwords, secure protocols and other practices are few and far between. Granted, laying all this at the feet of HP isn’t really fair: they didn’t anticipate how networks would be abused decades later. But it shows that hardware vendors often give security short shrift. Since those early days, HP hasn’t been just sitting around either: In 2015 they came out with ultra-secure printers that protect any BIOS tampering and have other controls such as built-in intrusion detection.

It is nice to see that the JetDirect product, which started the insecure IoT, brought about some solid innovation in the modern era with better printer security. It has come full circle, to be sure.

Security Intelligence blog: Protecting your staff when in co-working spaces

The number of innovative co-working spaces continues to rise around the world, and this doesn’t even include coffee shops, libraries and numerous other public places that offer free Wi-Fi. It’s important to consider the security implications of what these itinerant workers are doing. IT managers are challenged to keep their networks and data secure while encouraging remote workers to be productive, whether they’re dialing in from the local WeWork or reviewing emails at McDonald’s.

Here are some practical security considerations from my latest blog post for IBM’s SecurityIntelligence. 

Did the Russians hack our election?

I have watched the series of reports about the Russians trying to influence our election last fall with a mixture of disbelief and interest. I wanted to put together links to some of the better reporting, and also call out some of the sub-standard reporting to steer clear from.

Let’s start with what we know and what has been released to the general public. The best quality of information came from this report from Crowdstrike back in June. They were called in by the DNC to try to get to the bottom of the attacks on their network. This post has many details that point out indicators that two separate Russian state intelligence agencies had penetrated their networks over a long period of time. They entered via phished emails and then proceed to infect various PCs with a boatload of malware, most of which was very clever at avoiding detection. When you look at the Crowdstrike report, you can see why this malware was so difficult to pin down: you needed the experience and context of other attacks by these Russian state actors to see the similar patterns of compromise.

I assume that our government has this experience, but getting them to tell civilians in an unclassified report is another matter entirely. Still such a report was done by the FBI and Homeland Security recently, and it can be found here. Sadly, this report comes up lacking in several areas: it doesn’t tie any specific Russian sources to these attacks, it doesn’t help network defenders to prepare their own networks for future similar attacks, and it contains mostly high-level platitudes and security chestnuts that aren’t very unique or actionable.

The feds didn’t do themselves any favors here. I agree with Bruce Schneier’s assessment: “If the government is going to take public action against a cyberattack, it needs to make its evidence public. It’s one thing for the government to know who attacked it. It’s quite another for it to convince the public who attacked it.” He links to previous attacks such as Sony, OPM, and Estonia that took some effort to figure out the originating offenders.

Also not helping matters was when the Washington Post ran a story about the Russians hacking into a Vermont electric utility. They later corrected the piece, leading with the statement they “incorrectly said that Russian hackers had penetrated the U.S. electric grid. Authorities say there is no indication of that so far.” Oops. The issue is that yes, one piece of malware, which can be purchased online from a variety of sources, was found on a laptop belonging to one employee of Burlington Electric. This laptop was a personal machine and not part of any operational function for the utility. The Intercept unpacks the Post story technically bit-by-bit so you can see the sloppy reporting and reactions forthwith.

Various security researchers have come out with similar negative reactions to the DHS/FBI report and the Post piece. Here are links to three of them:

So if you are a corporate IT manager, what needs to happen, going forward? First, you should re-read the Crowdstrike blog post from last June and make sure you – and your security staff — understand the various infection vectors used by the Russians. Next, you should take the time to ensure that your defenses actually will work against these vectors, and if not, what gear you need to put in place to make things more secure. Finally, you should not over-react to the general press stories about hacking attempts, without doing some careful investigation first. As a recent example, stories such as the US Customs computers going offline on Dec. 28th – which were originally attributed to a hacking attempt – turn out to be nothing more than a bad systems upgrade by their IT department.


You won’t find many product marketers with advanced certifications in the technologies they market, but we found one. Our guest is Dena Bauckman, director of product marketing for email encryption provider Zix Corp. in Dallas. Dena has held similar titles at Sterling Commerce and BancTec.

Bauckman’s perspective on the interplay between product marketers, corporate marketers and product managers is distinctive. She stresses how all parties need to understand where each other is coming from and be tuned in to their needs and schedules.

You can listen to our 25 minute podcast here:

Network World review: Microsoft Windows Defender comes up short

Microsoft’s latest version of its anti-malware tool, Windows Defender, is a frustrating product to evaluate. Once you examine the product in more detail, you will see why we cannot recommend it for enterprise use. And that is the frustration of this product: Microsoft is trying to do the right thing and offers a tempting feast, but ultimately offers an incomplete meal that is tough to digest. It is hard to track, hard to configure, hard to remove and hard to manage in a typical enterprise environment.

It might be all the antivirus that a home user needs, but when it comes to the business world, you are better off with something else.

You can read the full review in Network World here.

My top security threats of 2016 in review

Since I began writing a series of newsletters for Inside Security in June, I have covered some of the most important data leaks or security threats each week. Here are my favorites:

Yahoo for the Big Kahuna award: Billions of emails served, thanks to Yahoo. The gift that keeps on giving, and also taking shareholder value too. My analysis and lots o’ links here.

In a class by itself is the Mirai botnet. Dyn’s analysis of the Krebs’ attack is here. Then more than 900,000 customers of German ISP Deutsche Telekom were knocked offline with new variant. It didn’t help matters that DT allowed the rest of the world to remotely manage these devices.

Schneider Electric gets the two times the charm award. Both Unity Pro and PanelShock utility software programs of theirs were compromised in a matter of days; both were attacks that could harm industrial control networks. This could be the return of Stuxnet. The published advisory is here.

The Australian Red Cross receives the bloodbath award. A million or so medical records of blood donors have, ahem, leaked. Gotta love those Aussies: “This is a seriously egregious cock-up,” said one researcher.

Three Mobile (UK) receives the can you hear me now award. Contact details of six million of its customers has been exposed, which are about two-thirds of their total. Hackers used an employee’s login credentials to gain entry.

The friends with benefits award goes to, naturally, the Friend Finder Network. They exposed more than 412 million accounts, including millions of supposedly deleted accounts, thanks to a local file inclusion flaw. Actually, this is their second such award: they were also breached in 2015.

DailyMotion and Weebly both share the password is ‘password’ award. DailyMotion had more than 80 million of their account IDs and passwords exposed. Only a fifth of these accounts had passwords and they were fortunately encrypted. The company admitted the breach in a blog post. Leaked Source obtained the data file. As for Weebly, they had more than 40 million accounts compromised earlier this year. Fortunately, their stolen passwords were stored using the strong hashing function BCrypt, making it difficult for hackers to initially obtain users’ actual passwords.

Payday awards. Criminals continue to figure out ways to make ATMs spit out their cash drawers. Two this year are notable: Alice (discovered recently by Trend Micro researchers) and Cobalt, where Group IB has named the organization behind the thefts. Both are very sophisticated attacks, and we should expect more in 2017.

The pixel perfect award goes to an attack called Steganos. Millions of people visiting mainstream websites over the past two months have been exposed to a novel form of malicious ads that embed attack code in individual pixels of the banners. This exploit has been around for several years. Its unusually stealthy operators scored a major coup by getting the ads displayed on a variety of unnamed reputable news sites, each with millions of daily visitors. It hides parts of its code in the parameters that control the pixel colors used to display banner ads.

Vera Bradley stores receive the attention shoppers award. They notified customers of a credit card exploit, which affects customers paying by credit cards in their stores from July and September of this year. Card numbers and names were captured by malware found running in their data center. The company has 150 stores selling fashion merchandise.

Oops mom, no firewall award goes to a Finnish facilities manager. Thanks to no firewall and a DDoS-based DNS attack.  At least two housing blocks in the city of Lappeenranta were affected and confirmed by the facilities management company. Hackers gained remote access to the HVAC systems. Luckily, outdoor temperatures weren’t critical.

The award for security starts in the home goes to so many companies it is hard to pick just one, but let’s give the honor to the Ameriprise employee who had a home-based network storage device with no password whatsoever. The drive was synchronized with one in his office, allowing anyone to view sensitive client data. Expect more of these sorts of attacks as the line between home and work continues to disappear.

And the most zero days reported in the past year: Adobe Flash, of course. No week would be complete without one!

What were your favorite breaches of the past year?

FIR B2B Podcast: More on fake news and gaslighting

In our last podcast, we spoke about the rise of fake news. Turns out we have more to say on the topic, which has ballooned across mainstream media in the past couple of weeks. Paul talks about building brand loyalty and trust from his research. I mention this article in Teen Vogue of all places, where the reporter brings up the movie/play Gaslight and how our future president is using similar tactics to setup problems and then offer “solutions.” And we cite a column by Christina Farr who talks about how PR reps need to stop inserting themselves in the conversation when not requested or needed. You can listen to the podcast here: