Portable air pumps for bike and car: a work in progress

As an avid cyclist, I have collected a variety of tools to keep my tires inflated, both on the road and at home. These include:

  • A floor pump that has a pressure gauge and fits both Presta and Schrader valve types. We have both here in my family. This is used most frequently, because high-pressure tires tend to lose air over time.
  • A portable pump that has a Presta connection that I carry with me when I am riding. This is useful if I get a flat and have to inflate a new tire just enough to fit it on my rims.
  • A collection of CO2 high-pressure cartridges that can inflate my Presta tires up to full pressure. These are good for a single blast of air.

My social feeds have been filled with various ads for portable electric air pumps. In the distant past, these things were portable in the same sense that the first portable computers were: they were bulky and you wouldn’t want to carry them very far. But the latest generation of pumps weigh about a pound and could easily be carried with you on a ride, or fit in your car’s glove compartment. They range in price from $40 to $120, mostly made in China, and resemble an old-style walkie-talkie in dimensions. I bought one of the cheaper ones on AMZ.

The features that I wanted included:

  • Rechargeable battery via USB. The battery should last through a few inflations of your car tires, because you are pushing a lot more air. The unit that I got needed infrequent recharging. The pump’s screen should give you a rough idea of how much charge is available. Having a USB cable also makes recharging from your car simple, if you have the right cables.
  • A long enough hose that fits between the tire and the pump, so you can maneuver the pump around the target tire more easily.
  • Fits both kinds of tires. The way my pump does this is with a small and imminently losable adapter that screws on to the Schrader valve if you want to inflate a Presta tire. This adapter is very hard to fit on the valve stem, and gets tight enough to ensure you aren’t deflating your tire before you even start the inflation process. It took me a few tries to figure out the process of attaching and detaching the pump from both bike and car, and it would be easier if the vendor had two separate hoses, rather than the add-on adapter, but I didn’t find a unit that came that way.
  • Easy operation and usable screen. My pump shows the existing pressure when attached, and you can set it to stop automatically at a given pressure for both bike and car scenarios. That is helpful, especially for bike tires that can be easily overinflated. It also shows battery status too.

One question was could the new electric unit replace both my hand pump and CO2 cartridges on my rides? Even the smaller units still weigh more than the combination, but it is possible, although you probably have to carry it on your person or if you have a big enough bag on your bike. (My hand pump has a bracket to fit on my bike’s frame ) However, this means using the new pump twice when fixing a flat during a ride: once to get some air in the tire before you put it on the rim, then re-attach for the full inflation. It would be nice if the new pump could snap on and off the valve like my other pumps, but I didn’t see any units that offered that kind of mechanism.

I am not recommending my specific pump, and am calling the whole genre a work in progress. Some of them get very hot as their tiny pump motors work overtime to push the air through, especially for car tires. Some weigh a lot more making them difficult to carry in the back pockets of your jersey. The attach/detach process can be tricky: one time I unscrewed my valve stem completely when trying to remove the short air hose. And there doesn’t seem to be any relationship between price, quality, and user satisfaction from what I could tell.

4 thoughts on “Portable air pumps for bike and car: a work in progress

  1. change the head on the pump to one of these heads with both P and S so no adaptor is needed
    https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08D3D9YX7/ref=syn_sd_onsite_desktop_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aref=dJVfoO6bla $9.99 3 reviews

    https://www.amazon.com/Meuey-Lyot-Adapter-Replacement-Connector/dp/B0CT31X2TD/ref=sr_1_16?crid=IJ0B31UJV1HP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c_r1w8d6RuBKgLcFCY5lxGzHHI_VzACJDEiuYqxsp-x0ciSSQX8nHg32k-z9X3UhvTEQ6yn51VeE2yGoyfkO-TSw-oOVAHYZ6GB4sU8C4MdrpU1vX0caQC5J6p4bULEdkOn_UXB31xtJS-icX0F-uO2vIW1Zu8OGWXYE7DDxV7G5QDevK1mRODDuWa0fkRnhUHfChMsvnFs0Z7nyxVUbjXH800iI4HqdVvLdq5JXKtDBOj8S9CmS-usyUODfW22U-hxzHwf33Ph5xcSVZ4_5cX0k4o-YiCzoSHLxEg4vOTs.l15j0HvP8m4ZjkCcitVl0mR6l_Ykz25zDFX90iQeEAA&dib_tag=se&keywords=schrader+presta+adapter+head&qid=1727266969&sprefix=schrader+presta+adapter+head%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-16 $5.99 4.6 5 reviews

    $7.95 4.2 26 reviews

    This is for bike floor pump
    4.5 180 ratings $15.99

  2. Thanks for this very helpful and informative review of something I really need. I think I’ll wait until next year. Hope you review again then.

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