The art of mathematical modeling

German Submarine Warfare in World War 1 I THE GREAT WAR Special - YouTubeAll this chatter about ChatGPT and large language models interests me, but from a slightly different perspective. You see, back in those pre-PC days when I was in grad school at Stanford, I was building mathematical models as part of getting my degree in Operations Research. You might not be familiar with this degree, but basically was applying various mathematical techniques to solving real-world problems. OR got its beginnings trying to find German submarines and aircraft in WWII, and then got popular for all sorts of industrial and commercial applications post-war. As a newly minted math undergrad, the field had a lot of appeal, and at its heart was building the right model.

Model building may bring up all sorts of memories of putting together plastic replicas of cars and ships and planes that one would buy in hobby stores. But the math models were a lot less tangible and required some careful thinking about the equations you chose and what assumptions you made, especially on the initial data set that you would to train the model.

Does this sound familiar? Yes, but then and now couldn’t be more different.

For my class, I recall the problems that we had to solve each week weren’t easy. One week we had to build a model to figure out which school in Palo Alto we would recommend closing, given declining enrollment across the district, a very touchy subject then and now. Another week we were looking at revising the standards for breast cancer screening: at what age and under what circumstances do you make these recommendations? These problems could take tens of hours to come up with a working (or not) model.

I spoke with Adam Borison, a former Stanford Engineering colleague who was involved in my math modeling class: “The problems we were addressing in the 1970s were dealing with novel situations, and figuring out what to do, rather than what we had to know built around judgment, not around data. Tasks like forecasting natural gas prices. There was a lot of talk about how to structure and draw conclusions from Bayesian belief nets which pre-dated the computing era. These techniques have been around for decades, but the big difference with today’s models is the huge increment in computing power and storage capacity that we have available. That is why today’s models are more data heavy, taking advantage of heuristics.”

Things started to change in the 1990s when Microsoft Excel introduced its “Solver” feature, which allowed you to run linear programming models. This was a big step, because prior to this we had to write the code ourselves, which was a painful and specialized process, and the basic foundation of my grad school classes. (On the Stanford OR faculty when I was there were George Danzig and Gerald Lieberman, the two guys that invented the basic techniques.) My first LP models were written on punched cards, which made them difficult to debug and change. A single typo in our code would prevent our programs from running. Once Excel became the basic building block of modeling, we had other tools such as Tableau that were designed from the ground up for data analysis and visualizations. This was another big step, because sometimes the visualizations showed flaws in your model, or suggested different approaches.

Another step forward with modeling was the era of big data, and one example with the Kaggle data science contests. These have been around for more than a decade and did a lot to stimulate interest in the modeling field. Participants are challenged to build models for a variety of commercial and social causes, such as working on Parkinson’s cures. Call it the gamification of modeling, something that was unthinkable back in the 1970s.

But now we have the rise of the chatbots, which have put math models front and center, for good and for bad. Borison and I are both somewhat hesitant about these kinds of models, because they aren’t necessarily about the analysis of data. Back in my Stanford days, we could fit all of our training data on a single sheet of paper, and that was probably being generous. With cloud storage, you can have a gazillion bytes of data that a model can consume in a matter of milliseconds, but trying to get a feel for that amount of data is tough to do. “Even using ChatGPT, you still have to develop engineering principles for your model,” says Borison.”And that is a very hard problem. The chatbots seem particularly well-suited to the modern fast fail ethos, where a modeler tries to quickly simulate something, and then revise it many times.” But that doesn’t mean that you have to be good at analysis, just making educated guesses or crafting the right prompts. Having a class in the “art of chatbot prompt crafting” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

Who knows where we will end up with these latest models? It is certainly a far cry from finding the German subs in the North Atlantic, or optimizing the shortest path for a delivery route, or the other things that OR folks did back in the day.

SiliconANGLE: Boards of directors need to be more cyber-aware. That gets complicated.

The Securities and Exchange Commission proposed some new guidelines last year to promote better cybersecurity governance among public companies, and one of them tries to track the cybersecurity expertise of the boards of directors of these companies. Judging from a new study conducted by MIT Sloan cybersecurity researchers and recently published in the Harvard Business Review, it might work — though it also might backfire. In this analysis for SiliconANGLE, I discuss the pros and cons of these regs.


SiliconANGLE: Magecart malware strikes again, and again, at e-commerce websites

The shopping cart malware known as Magecart is still one of the most popular tools in the attacker’s toolkit — and despite efforts to mitigate and eradicate its presence, it’s the unwanted gift that just keeps on giving.

In this post for SiliconANGLE, I describe the latest rounds of attacks and ways that you can try to stop them.

Red Cross: Lawyer Volunteers to Crunch the Numbers for the Red Cross

One of many amazing aspects about the volunteers of the American Red Cross is how diverse and unusual each volunteer’s background can be. That is certainly the case of Mrunmayee Pradhan, who began volunteering with the Missouri-Arkansas region three years ago. Timing is everything: she moved from India to the US in 2019, eventually settling in the Bentonville, Arkansas, area.

She began her career as a lawyer, eventually broadened her skillset by mastering data analysis tools from Google, Microsoft, and Tableau and began using them for large scale workforce management and tracking applications. That came in handy for the Red Cross, and you read more about her story here.

SiliconANGLE: Our national cybersecurity strategy is all over the place

Earlier this year, the Biden White House released its National Cybersecurity Strategy policy paper. Although it has some very positive goals, such as encouraging longer-term investments in cybersecurity, it falls short in several key areas. And compared with what is happening in Europe, once again the U.S. is falling behind and failing to get the job done.

The paper does a great job outlining the state of cybersecurity and its many challenges. What it doesn’t do is set out specific tasks or how to fund them. I analyze the situation for SiliconANGLE here.

SiliconANGLE: Is it time to deploy passkeys across the enterprise? Here’s what you need to know

It’s a great time to think more about passkeys, and not just because this Thursday is another World Password Day. Let’s look at where those 2022 passkey plans stand, and what companies will have to do to deploy them across their enterprises. Interest in the technology, also referred to as passwordless — a bit of a misnomer — has been growing since Google announced its support last fall and before that when Apple and Microsoft also came out in support last summer.

This post for SiliconANGLE discusses the progress made on these technologies, covers some of the remaining deployment issues, and reviews two sessions at the recent RSA Conference that can be useful for enterprise security managers.

The realities of ChatGPT as cyber threats (webcast)

I had an opportunity to be interviewed by Tony Bryant, of CyberUP, a cybersecurity non-profit training center, about the rise of ChatGPT and its relevance to cyber threats. This complemented a blog that I wrote earlier in the year on the topic, and certainly things are moving quickly with LLM-based AIs. The news this week is that IBM is replacing 7,800 staffers with various AI tools, making new ways of thinking about the future of upskilling GPT-related jobs more important. At the RSAC show last week, there was lots of booths that were focused on the topic, and more than 20 different conference sessions that ranged from danger ahead to how we can learn to love ChatGPT for various mundane security tasks, such as pen testing and vulnerability assessment. And of course news about how ChatGPT writes lots of insecure code, according to French infosec researchers, along with a new malware infostealer is out with a file named ChatGPT For Windows Setup 1.0.0.exe. Don’t download that one!

There are still important questions you need to ask if you are thinking about deploying any chatbot app across your network, including how is your vendor using AI, which algorithms and training data are part of the model, how to build in any resilience or SDLC processes into the code, and what problem are you really trying to solve.

Reporting for SiliconANGLE at the RSA Conference

Last week I was in San Francisco for the annual RSA Conference. The last time I was there in person was 2019 (although I watched many a streamed session in the past several years). I was there on behalf of SiliconANGLE, my new home, as their cybersecurity reporter. Today I wrote my first couple of posts:

  • A recap of Bruce Schneier’s keynote and a summary of his many-storied career in cybersecurity. He has a new book out called A.Hacker’s Mind that is quite entertaining and the talk basically takes off from the book about how he wants to reinvent democracy using technology for good. I know, there are plenty of counter-examples but you should really listen to the talk (you have to be registered for the conference, don’t get me started about that). Anyway, I am a big fan of his, as you can tell if you read this post.
  • A recap of two panels on incident and threat response, both from the POV of specific incident tactics as well as some suggestions for improving overall skills and incident analyst capabilities.
  • Plus this vlog with Dave Vellante that I did the week before the conference, where we talk about a bunch of different topics including the 3CX double-supply chain attack that happened last month.

RSAC has definitely changed over the past four years. One of the panels above had all women on it, including the moderator. That is a welcome change for the better, and what made it also worthwhile was these were all powerhouse experts that I often turn to when I need the appropriate source.

Also while I was there I got to spend a short bit of time with another one of my go-to sources, Tanya Janca. (I reviewed her courseware and book on application security here.)

This was one of only two in-person events that I have attended in the past year, and it was nice to get to rub elbows with Tanya, Bruce and other luminaries, as well as break bread with some of my Bay Area friends that I have known for many years but haven’t seen since the pandemic began. All this personal contact almost mitigated the pain and suffering of being on crowded flights and having to deal with a over-crowded convention center.

If you have cyber news that you want to share, you know where you can find me.

Wikibon Breaking Analysis podcast: the state of infosec today

One of my first outings for SiliconANGLE is doing this pod with co-founder Dave Vellente this week. We cover a wide range of topics, including examining a new report from Unit42, the “double supply chain” attack on 3CX’s network (and how inadequate their response will be, at least according to their own admissions), where passwordless is for enterprise IT, and other infosec matters. You can read my best bits on the transcript link, or watch the entire pod!

Improving devops security in the auto software supply chain

The automotive industry has long been the target of numerous cyberthreats across its software supply chain. Some of these include specific car hacking exploits that have been demonstrated by security researchers which have motivated massive vehicle recalls such as the car hacking work which necessitated the 2015 recall of 1.4M FiatChrysler cars.

Studying this rich history is important for computer professionals in other industries for several reasons. First, the methods of compromise aren’t necessarily car-centric and have general cybersecurity implications. These cyberthreats are relevant for a wide variety of circumstances, regardless of whether you work for other manufacturing-based businesses or  a bank or a hospital. The threat of compromised software supply chain security sadly is now far and wide. Second, cars have become complex digital environments. The average vehicle being made today has dozens of electronic control units. This means a car could be running 100 million lines of code, according to this source. This is twice the amount of code that makes up Windows itself, and more than is used in Apple’s MacOS. Electronics wiring alone is estimated to add 45-65 pounds to each vehicle.

Car hacking is therefore a target of opportunity, and more importantly, car-based cyberthreats can be easily understood even by non-technical managers who might be reluctant to invest in better endpoint security. Finally, the automotive breaches are also good illustrations of common devops security and network security failures, such as unprotected cloud data assets, inadequate API data security and poor password hygiene that can be found across numerous Internet of Things (IoT) situations.

Let’s look at some of the more notable recent car-related developments. Earlier this year, security researcher Sam Curry posted a series of car hacking exploits that could have implications for more than a 1M vehicles from 16 different major brands. He was able to fully remotely lock and unlock and start and stop various engines as well as enable remote management of other car functions. These hacks included SSO account takeovers, remote code execution, privilege escalation – all common exploits for IT operations.

In terms of careless data handling, a software supplier of Nissan was breached in an incident that occurred in June 2022. An unsecured cloud database was exposed, and a hacker collected almost 18,000 customer names, including birth dates and other private data. This was the second time the company’s data was exposed, with another incident happening in January 2021 that leaked 20 GB of data from an unprotected Git server. The issue is that supply chain security must be applied across a myriad of software suppliers and interconnected applications, all of which have their own potential API data security vulnerabilities.

Curry’s cyberthreats may be the most recent, and have widest impact, but there have been antecedents of both car hacking and careless data handling prior to his efforts. In terms of the former, back in 2019, hackers gained access to thousands of vehicles that were running two different GPS tracking apps and were able to remotely turn off running engines. It helped matters immensely that the tracking apps had easily guessed default passwords that weren’t ever changed by their owners. And even further in the past, cyber-security researchers Chris Valasek and Charlie Miller turned to car hacking and were able to compromise a single vehicle via an API vulnerability in the infotainment system in 2015.

But wait, there is more: The automotive industry has also been the target of numerous ransomware events, including:

Here are some suggestions to improve automotive software supply chain security and move towards better devops security practice. And some things to think about, even if you aren’t in this particular market segment.

  • Secure your various manufacturing processes, including improvements in network segmentation and monitoring network traffic to detect malware intrusions and compromised accounts and improvements in overall network security.
  • Secure connected cars, including better threat detection and network segmentation across in-car systems. As cars make use of the internet for communications, reporting traffic and driving conditions and delivering streaming services, these connections bring greater risk of cyberthreats.
  • Software supply chain security, especially with telematics and other in-car software controls. This includes better API security and devops security, including protecting application secret keys, better encryption of communication channels (such as employing SSL and TLS between applications) and not using default passwords that are easily guessed. As we have cited above, thanks to unprotected software supply chains, a single piece of software could eventually harm the entire vehicle, or expose private data.