NYC subway adventures in zero-factor authentication

Most of you know by now the meaning and importance of MFA, having multiple pathways to authenticate yourself for your various logins. But here is a story that is somewhat chilling: thanks to the NYC subway authority MTA, someone who knows your credit card number could track your movements about the system, thanks to their implementation of zero factor authentication.

Before Joe Cox, the business journalist who now writes for 404media (I know, miserable branding IMHO), wrote a story about this, you could bring up a page on the MTA’s website, enter the card number and you could see a week’s history of the station entry and exit times for each station you swiped your contactless fare card (or Apple or G payments on your phone). Well, you used to be able to do this, until Cox’s story ran exposing this vulnerability. Then the MTA wisely took this down a day after the story ran, saying they were evaluating the “feature.” Well, it is a feature for your estranged spouse (or someone who is looking to do you harm) to track your movements and establish a pattern of life. For the vast majority of us, it is a major-league problem and privacy disaster. Credit card numbers are remarkably easy to obtain.

Now, I call this somewhat ironically zero factor authentication, although sadly many security vendors are now using this term to refer to ways to authenticate your account without using passwords, which technically it is. But There Is No Authentication Involved Here Folks.

Contactless cards — and the phone-based payment apps — are a big convenience. You don’t have to touch any public turnstiles or fumble with putting your card inside those pesky slot readers upside down and backwards. But the MTA went overboard and for some reason was completely brain-dead when they turned this “feature” on.

One thought on “NYC subway adventures in zero-factor authentication

  1. Joe Cox’s good work, and the MTAs taking it seriously enough to act quickly (tho that privacy lapse should never have happened anyhow) has probably saved some lives and BTW saved the MTA from a massive lawsuit.

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