iBoss blog

I wrote for them from 2016-2018. They have removed most of these articles, contact me if you want any copies of them.

  • We still have plenty of network printer attacks (3/18)
  • A tour of current blockchain exploits (2/18)
  • Ten ways to harden WordPress (2/18)
  • The year of vulnerabilities in review (12/17)
  • What is HTTP Strict Transport Security? (12/17)
  • How to cope with malicious PowerShell exploits (10/17)
  • How to secure containers (10/17)
  • Implementing better email authentication systems (10/17)
  • What is WAP billing and how is it being exploited? (9/17)
  • The difference between anonymity and privacy (9/17)
  • What is OAuth and why should I care?  (8/17)
  • The dark side of SSL certificates (8/17)
  • What is the CVE and why is it important (8/17)
  • Why you need to deploy IPv6 (7/17)
  • Three-part series on the new rules of MFA (7/17)
  • What is fileless malware? (6/17)
  • How ransomware is changing the nature of customer service (6/17)
  • WannaCry: Where do we go from here? (5/17)
  • What is a booter and a stressor? (12/16)
  • The challenges and opportunities for managing IoT (12/16)
  • Who are the bug bounty hunters (11/16)
  • How to heighten HIPAA security (10/16)
  • Why grammar counts in decoding phished emails (10/16)
  • How to communicate to your employees after a breach (9/16)
  • 6 Lessons Learned from the US Secret Service on How to Protect Your Enterprise (9/16)
  • Economist paints a dark future for banking industry (8/16)
  • Wireless keyboards vulnerable to hacking (8/16)
  • Hacking Your Network Through Smart Light Bulbs (8/16)
  • Windows 10 Anniversary security features: worth the upgrade (8/16)
  • How to implement the right BYOD program (8/16)
  • The benefits and risks of moving to BYOD (8/16)
  • There is no single magic bullet for IoT protection (7/16)
  • Beware of wearables (7/16)
  • Understanding the keys to writing successful ransomware ((7/16)
  • It’s Time to Improve Your Password Collection (6/16)
  • Euro banking cloud misperceptions abound (6/16)
  • Beware of ransomware as a service (6/16)
  • When geolocation goes south (5/16)
  • Turning the tide on polymorphic malware (5/16)
  • How stronger authentication can better secure your cloud (4/16)
  • The Internet-connected printer can be another insider threat (4/16)
  • Beware of malware stealing credentials (4/16)

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