October is cybersecurity awareness month and I am giving a speech at several locations around town to do my part. The speech draws on several blog posts that I have written recently about the debate between security and privacy, and covers the following topics:
- The debate in more details and some chilling examples (such as this sensor shown below that is offered by Progressive Insurance and tracks your car’s movements),
- How law enforcement has used and abused automated license plate readers to track movements of specific citizens, some of whom are accidentally captured.
- Some thoughts on why you should focus on protecting your most sensitive data with specific security policies,
- Just because you have nothing to hide doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want some kind of anonymity protection.
The speech will be given this week at St. Louis’ America’s Center SecureWorld conference and as part of a special month-long series of activities at Fontbonne University, including this St. Louis chapter meeting of ISACA. You can download my presentation here.