Are PR people spammers?

Paul Gillin and I do this weekly podcast called TechPRWarStories, and we both have a lot of fun with it. The episodes are less than 15 minutes and talk about issues that pertain to public relations and hi tech, something we both have a little experience with. The latest episode (#33, wow!) we talk about Wired magazine editor Chris Anderson’s anti-spam manifesto, which includes the publication of hundreds of addresses of PR people who are banned from his inbox. I am appalled that Anderson would go so far as to publicize e-mail addresses for every spambot to harvest. Paul agrees, but sees merit in the problem that Anderson is highlighting. Both of us agree that there are tools journalists can use to manage their inboxes more effectively and that the onus is on reporters to become familiar with those tools.

We also discuss Steve Rubel’s blog post this week in which he laments the craziness that has overtaken the Web 2.0 market.

Have a listen, subscribe, send us some comments please!

0 thoughts on “Are PR people spammers?

  1. Really enjoyed this podcast, especially because it’s only about 15 minutes long. I can’t deal with hour-long podcasts.

    Seems to me with advanced spam filters it’s not so problematic to have your email address published, so I don’t think it was nuclear. On Web Worker Daily, we publish our tips email address directly and yes, we get a lot of spam, but Gmail filters the vast majority of it out.

    As for reporters becoming familiar with how to deal with PR… that’s something I’m trying to figure out now as I do more online writing. I need good PR help — some of my best stories come that way. But I get so much crap too.

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