Keeping up with Covid misinformation policies

About a month ago, Twitter removed its policies blocking Covid misinformation. This has led to the spread of various flights of fancy, many of which are dangerous if taken seriously. We all know why this was done and by whom. I have written about this topic before in 2020 in this blog post that I urge you to review. Sadly, the situation has gotten worse.

Today in the NYTimes is an article about how misinformation continues to spread across social media. This prompted me to examine the Covid policies of various social media platforms. Let’s take a look at them.

Interestingly, Facebook has the most specific policy set here, running to more than 4,000 words. They address specific false claims (I won’t repeat them here but it is a depressingly long list) and how the content can create potential harm to its users in the real world. The aim is to “reduce the distribution of content that does not violate our policies but may present misleading or sensationalized information about vaccines in a way that would be likely to discourage vaccinations.” That is an important point. One thing that I didn’t like was the way the policies were presented, with web links to other policies (such as bullying and hate speech) that are relevant but making it hard to track and digest.

YouTube has its policies here. Not quite 1500 words, it still goes into specific details about what content isn’t allowed. Again, I am not going into any details but some of this stuff — as with Facebook’s recitation — is just bonkers. Also in the policy is a description of the consequences if you do post this content. That is perhaps the most useful element: three strikes within 90 days and your channel is “terminated.” None of the other platforms have this spelled out.

TikTok has the least helpful information here. Their community guidelines pages has no mention of Covid, and this link (which is really more of a press release) is short on specifics.

Whether or not you agree with how and what the social platforms should do about Covid misinformation, the fact remains that vaccines — especially the Covid ones — save lives, and have lessened the impact of those who have gotten the virus. And spreading false claims about what can protect you from disease is just another way for things to “go viral,” sad to say.

5 thoughts on “Keeping up with Covid misinformation policies

  1. People were getting banned for posting peer reviewed studies. Not everybody was able to afford a lawyer like Alex Berenson who was reinstated before the Musk acquisition after it was determined that he did not violate any policies. His account was banned because of pressure from the White House.

  2. COVID is the topic of the day, but what about other postings that are not entirely “accurate”? It’s never ending – better to focus on illegal speech than to try and moderate everything.

  3. Having gotten the initial shots and then a booster, I like many others have lost all confidence in anything the Fauci sycophants have to say. They have simply taken “shots in the dark” claiming “this is the shot that will work”. The time has come for apologists for the failed COVID response to “admit they know not what they are talking about” and stop opening their mouths and confirming their subject matter ignorance.

  4. One last piece of relevant information pertaining to the incompetence and con job perpetrated on citizens by the US Gov.
    So I ordered the latest free COVID test kit from the US Gov. Two text boxes, each with 2 tests arrived Tuesday, 12/27/22.
    I looked at the boxes and they had a manufactured date of 3/25/22 and a use by date of 3/5/23.
    So all the US Government is doing is pawning off their lapsing inventory on the public while taking claim for being the good guys by providing more “free” test kits. Basically they are worthless.
    A con job extraordinaire aided and abetted by the Biden/Fauci sycophants.

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